A New Direction

A New Direction

It’s never too late to find your passion and chase your dreams, just like we are by having this blog! For the past eight and a half months, we’ve enjoyed learning about the blogging process and sharing exciting posts with you, our readers.

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A Sarah-shaped Package


Do you have that person in your life who is nothing like you, but at the same time is exactly like you? They’re quiet, and you’re kinda loud and crazy. They seem to have their life together, and you’re over here wondering what the heck is going on.

I know I do. It’s Sarah. My best friend. Don’t get me wrong, she can get loud and crazy, and I’d be willing to bet that she doesn’t have her life quite as together as I think she does (after all, do any of us really have it all figured out?). But she’s still awesome. Sarah is the kind of friend that everyone should have. She’s understanding, she’s kind, she’s smart, she’s funny, she’s beautiful, she’s sweet… pretty much every good quality you can imagine is all tied up and wrapped up in a Sarah-shaped package.

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2016 Reading Challenge: A Book You’ve Read At Least Once

2016 Reading Challenge- a book you've read at least once

This time around, we kind of did a little throwback reading. We decided to read a book that we’d already read at least once. It’s nice to revisit stories that you’ve already read. And, if it’s an especially good book, you get something new out of it each time.

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10 Shows Netflix Needs


I have a confession. I don’t have cable. I don’t even have any way to watch local channels, (Remember the box you could get to replace your bunny ears a few years ago? Yeah, I don’t even have one of those!) but it doesn’t bother me any time except during The Olympics. Why not? One word:


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Four Keys to a Successful Workout


Is it just me, or are there certain times of the year when it’s harder to work out than others? I find it easy to get in a routine during the spring or fall, when the weather’s nice and life is fairly predictable. But when the winter holidays come, I fall apart. I’m so busy traveling or shopping or catching up with family and stuffing myself with delicious delicacies, like my mom’s famous pecan pie, that working out becomes pretty much non-existent. That’s why I give thanks for oversized sweaters on Thanksgiving!

Summer can be the same way though! With parties and cookouts and vacations to look forward to, who has time to work out?! (My family celebrates five birthdays in June alone, including mine!) If you’re like me and struggling to stick to a workout routine this summer, check out some simple things I’ve come up with to help stay motivated.

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