Favorites of the Week

Hello, again! We hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Did anyone else watch the NFL Playoffs? Holy cow, were those games intense or what?! We can’t wait to see what happens next week!

Anyway, it’s Monday and time to talk about everything we’re loving this week!

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Deborah’s loving…

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  • The Matched Trilogy: When I went to the library last week, I picked up books for the challenge, but I also found a book I’d been wanting to read for awhile now: Matched by Ally Condie. It’s a dystopian novel about a world where The Society chooses everything for everyone, including your Match. A girl named Cassia gets matched with her best friend Xander, but, by a fluke, she is also matched to another friend, Ky. What follows is the obvious love triangle, and raging against the man. But I still like it. 🙂

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  • M*A*S*H*: I love watching old shows that are fully on Netflix, so when I dug up M*A*S*H*, I was in luck to find all 11 seasons of it! It’s about an Army hospital camp during the Korean War. With memorable characters like Hawkeye, Trapper, Radar, and Klinger, it’s a classic. The doctors have quick wits and even quicker mouths. From tying to get with all the nurses to complaining about being drafted, Hawkeye and Trapper lead the gang through all kinds of craziness!

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  • Cracklin’ Oat Bran: Despite my huge sweet tooth and love of junk food, my favorite cereal has always been Kellogg’s Cracklin’ Oat Bran. Actually, my whole family likes it, so it never lasted long in our house. Andrew knows how much I love it, and he bought me a box for Christmas. 🙂 It’s about the little things. A box runs about $5 at Publix (where I usually shop), but I found it at Wal-mart for $3.69, so I’ve decided to treat myself a little more often this year!


Sarah’s loving…

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image credit: amazon.com
  • Dark nail polish: One of my favorite things about winter is the shift to darker colors in my wardrobe. I’m pretty fair-skinned to begin with but, in winter, I’m flat out pale. So when the temperatures drop, I embrace the deep tones of gray and navy, black and burgundy. I also love incorporating these colors into my makeup routine, namely in the form of dark nail polish. Check out Nemesis 195 from Covergirl’s Outlast Stay Brilliant Nail Gloss.
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image credit: pexels.com
  • Tulips: The easiest way to breathe life and color into your home is by adding fresh flowers–and tulips are my favorite! They started showing up in stores about a week ago and I can’t wait to get some!! One of the best places to get fresh flowers is Fresh Market. They have a great selection at reasonable prices and their flowers seem to hold up longer than those from any other grocery store.

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  • Sunny Health & Fitness Exercise Bike: Last Sunday, my husband and I became the proud owners of an exercise bike! To be honest, I never thought we’d own a piece of fitness equipment, but it was definitely a good decision for us. A couple of years ago, we gave a gym membership a try and hardly ever used it. We just couldn’t get motivated to actually make the drive to the gym. Having the exercise bike changes all that though. It’s set up in our bedroom so it’s pretty hard to ignore and there’s no reason not to set aside time for a 30 minute workout. (I usually ride the bike for 20 minutes and do some strength exercises, like push-ups and sit-ups, for another 10.) In the first week of having the bike, I exercised 4 out of the 7 days. Yay me!! 🙂

What a great batch of winter favorites! Books, old TV, exercise, with still some flowers to keep the color around. What are some of your favorites this week?
