About Us


We met nine years ago and became fast friends. We did everything together; from froyo dates and beach days, to country concerts and ballroom dancing! Now that we no longer live in the same city, we don’t get to see each other as often. We keep in touch through social media, texting and the occasional phone call. We even take road trips every now and then, too!

We can honestly say that being separated by a state has only made us appreciate each other’s friendship more. Even though we’re 238 miles apart, we will always be there for each other. We’ve shared a lot over the years: career changes, changes of residence, heartbreak and new love, to name a few. (Or, reclaimed love in Deborah’s case!) No doubt, we will share many more milestones and memories in the years to come.

This blog not only helps us stay in touch; it’s also a way for us to share our passion for all things entertainment with you! It is our hope that 238 Miles Apart fosters a love of books, movies and music, of all genres, for friends everywhere. Enjoy!!

7 thoughts on “About Us

    • 238 Miles Apart March 1, 2016 / 10:33 pm

      Thank you so much! It certainly is a lot of fun for us. Your blog looks excellent, btw! We look forward to reading more!

      Liked by 1 person

      • theorangutanlibrarian March 1, 2016 / 10:42 pm

        You’re welcome! And thanks very much- I look forward to reading more of your posts too- I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read so far 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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